Shootings in New Orleans, Louisiana
shootings in New Orleans, Louisiana have been a problem for many years. shootings at mass gatherings such as the bayou classic and second-line parades have often resulted in multiple casualties. shootings at nightclubs and bars are also not uncommon. in recent years, the number of shootings has increased dramatically. from 2013 to 2015, there was more than quadruple the number of shootings compared to the previous three years combined.
Crime is increasing in New Orleans, Louisiana
Shootings are not only a problem in New Orleans but also in other cities across the country. chicago, for example, has seen a dramatic increase in shootings over the past few years. in 2015, there were more than 2,900 shootings in Chicago, which is an increase of more than 500% from the previous year. shootings in New Orleans and other cities are often the result of gang violence. gangs often times will target rivals at public events in order to increase their reputation and gain more territory. shootings can also be the result of drug deals gone bad or simply people who are carrying guns illegally.
Mass Shootings in New Orleans, Louisiana
regardless of the reasons behind them, shootings are a major problem in New Orleans and other cities across the country. shootings often result in innocent bystanders being injured or killed. they also cause a great deal of property damage. shootings can also lead to an increased police presence in an area, which can cause tension between the police and the community. shootings are a major problem that needs to be addressed in order to make our communities safer.
Crime Scene Cleanup Services in New Orleans, Louisiana
New Orleans Crime Scene Cleanup is a local biohazard remediation company. We clean up after mass shootings, blood, unattended deaths, suicides, homicides, and crime scenes. We are always available 24 hours a day 7 days a week for all emergency situations. Call now!